We have the latest on who’s hiring and what they are looking for in an applicant. Find the right match for your skills and career interests. Here are local job postings!
Let us help you make sure your resume speaks to today’s hiring managers by successfully marketing your skills and experience.
View our video presentations How to Write a Resume and How to Complete an Application.
Want to make the best impression during an interview? The key is preparation. Let us help with researching the employer, thinking through potential interview questions and even staging a mock interview.
Get the tips that will help you stand out in a job interview in our video presentation The Interviewing Process.
This is a stressful time, the future might seem uncertain and the volume of information you must process can be overwhelming. Remember you have allies. We’re here to coach you through developing each specific step to your next career.
Achieve your goals personally and professionally with tools to master time management, personal branding, work life balance and more. Use our FREE web-based platform to access more virtual career services.
Many area employers require pre-employment testing such as the TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education) Test, the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) or the Bennett Mechanical Test.
If the thought of taking a test is stressful, you’re not alone. Even if it’s been a long time since you last took a test, there are resources in your community to help you get ready.
For example, your local Kentucky Adult Education office gives the TABE Test (the most common test) for free. You’ll take the initial test. If your scores need to improve, you’ll learn about the in-person and online resources available. These programs are designed for quick turnaround, and you can retake the TABE Test in just one week.
Call the Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail or Kentucky Adult Education for more information. Find contact information for your county’s Adult Education campus here.
Job seekers may qualify for tuition assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. It can pay the tuition for an associate degree or the last two years of a bachelor’s degree in an in-demand field.
Tuition assistance is also available for shorter-term training to earn a career credential such as a skilled trade certificate, a CDL, a certificate in the healthcare industry and much more.
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College's Workforce Solutions also offers free training and services to dislocated workers. Read more here.
You don't have to go far from home to find career opportunities! Our region has in-demand careers in sectors from advanced manufacturing, business/IT, construction, healthcare to transportation/logistics. Click the link below to read more about each industry and watch videos about specific jobs.
Please Note: Effective November 4, 2021, all claimants must sign in to their ID.me account or create an ID.me account before accessing the Kentucky OUI system. Click here for more information.