

Working together to make the Lincoln Trail region a destination for employment and economic growth.

The dedicated members of our business solutions team are ready to give employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce.
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Recruiting and Screening Services

Advertise Job Openings
Promote employment opportunities throughout the one-stop system.

Applicant Screening
We screen job applicants based on your company’s skill requirements.

Promote job openings in-person and/or online. Reach specific populations such as veterans and individuals with disabilities. Leverage work experience internships and co-ops. The National Labor Exchange (NLx) is a job posting portal available free to Kentucky employers. It allows employers to post jobs and search for resumes.

In-person Job Fairs
Meet multiple qualified candidates at one time. We will help you organize the event and recruit job seekers. 

Online Job Fairs
We host online job fairs the first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. EST. Visit our calendar to see upcoming events. Our virtual job fair platform is also available on a case-by-case basis for companies that have a need for a large number of employees across several business sectors.

Employee Development and Retention Services

Training is available for your current employees and potential candidates. Not only does training build required skills, but it also helps recruit applicants and improve retention. 
-      Employee Training
-      Apprenticeship
-      On-the-job Training (OJT)
-      Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
-      Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Onsite or off, on topics relevant to your employees such as How to do Your Taxes, How to Manage Your Finances, GED training, etc.

Re-Employment Services/Outplacement Assistance
For businesses that are downsizing due to economic factors or other circumstances.

2023 UI Changes: Effective Jan. 1, 2023, businesses can avoid layoffs during a financial downturn by temporarily using unemployment benefits to supplement pay for employees whose hours have been reduced by 10% to 40%. LEARN MORE

Support Employee Success
Success coaching and supportive services for new employees to increase retention rates.

Business Information, Consultative,
and Planning Services

Labor Market Information (LMI) Research
Localized labor market information such as wage studies, employment data and demographics is available upon request to assist in your decision-making.

Consultative Services
Information and resources to enhance business performance (i.e. business plans, tax incentives, tax credits and assistance, etc.).

Equipment and Facilities
Space to conduct training, including computer labs and office equipment (e.g., fax, copy machine).

Networking Opportunities
Connect with other employers and businesses to learn about community resources to help grow your business.

Business Solutions Team

Our Business Solutions Team is made up of a variety of workforce agencies, providing you with a single point of contact for today’s most relevant and useful workforce development resources. 

Contact us today!

The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.