
Transformed career center grows opportunity for job seekers, employers

June 19, 2014

At Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail, we’ve transformed the way we empower job seekers and employers.

You might have heard we changed our name or you might have noticed the bright green arrow we adopted as our new logo. But for job seekers and employers, our transformation means much more.

We’re here with an unyielding dedication to connecting job seekers and employers. That means providing the career, job training and educational opportunities job seekers need and developing the qualified workforce employers need.

We think any job seeker will find our extensive, free services worthwhile, whether they are unemployed, interested in re-entering the workforce after some time off or even content with their work but curious about new opportunities.

Access to job openings, job leads and referrals, resume writing assistance and access to computers are just some of the many ways we can help. Plus, Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail offers regular employment workshops at its four locations on topics from interviewing skills to basic computer training.

Our team of experts also is ready to support job seekers with one-on-one career counseling. They can provide information about what skills are in demand, which industries are growing, the steps a job seeker can take to remain relevant in today’s workforce and training and education programs throughout the region.

Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail also provides specialized assistance for military veterans and individuals with special needs as well as unemployment insurance information.

In short, we’re here to help job seekers become employees.

In all these services, job seekers can trust our experts’ advice. We work with many of the region’s major employers and that network is growing every day. Our staff understands employers’ needs, and with employers’ input we have a unique ability to guide job seekers in meaningful ways. Our approach, and the approach of the Commonwealth’s entire workforce development system, is demand-driven, business-led and solutions-based.

Just as we connect job seekers with self-sustaining job and career opportunities, we are here to provide employers the talent they need to succeed and help them meet their bottom line. It’s our goal to build a competitive workforce that attracts new employers to the Lincoln Trail region. And just as important, we strive to enable existing employers to grow at home.

Our staff can enhance a business’ search for candidates by recruiting talent, pre-screening and assessing applicants, coordinating job fairs and even providing conference space for interviews. We also provide free access to Focus Talent, Kentucky’s online job posting portal. Further, our business services team members are set to provide personalized support.

Working hard for our customers, both job seekers and businesses, Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail is becoming the place to go for all things employment-related. We hope that, in addition to our new name and logo, you’ll take notice of our offerings.

We’re excited to take the region’s workforce to the next level and invite you to explore how our services can help you find opportunity and talent. To get started, call any of our four locations or visit www.ltcareercenter.org.

Jackie Masterson is an employment and training specialist for Lincoln Trail Area Development District and brand champion for Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail.

The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.