
Now Hiring: Business Service Team Lead

July 17, 2024

TITLE Business Service Team Lead 
SALARY $36,000 to $42,000 Annually 
LOCATION Kentucky Career Center - Lincoln Trail, Elizabethtown, KY 

Travel required in the Lincoln Trail Workforce Area: Breckinridge, Grayson, Hardin, LaRue, Marion, Meade, Nelson and Washington Counties 

The functions of this position may be conducted both in person and virtually as appropriate. While not a fully virtual position, a hybrid schedule may be negotiated. 

JOB TYPE Full-time with Hightower Workforce Initiatives LLC 

DATE POSTED 7/16/2024 

CLOSING DATE AND TIME Continuous until filled. Applications received by 5:00 pm EDT 8/7/2024 will be considered first. 


Helping connect employers in Lincoln Trail Kentucky to the talent and training resources they need. Connecting individuals and families with new opportunities through support and training. Hightower Workforce Initiatives (www.workforceinitiatives.com), in partnership with Strumpf Associates (www.strumpfassociates.com), are the One Stop Systems Operator (OSSO) for the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Area in Kentucky (https://ltcareercenter.org/). The OSSO answers to the strategic direction of the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board and is responsible for the coordination of a partnership of federal, state and local programs focused on employment and training in the Lincoln Trail region. We serve employers and job seekers, working to match the skills of job seekers to the talent employers need for success. 

From the multi-billion dollar SK Blue Oval project, to distilleries in the heart of bourbon country, to entrepreneurial startups, we serve as a connection point to prepare Kentucky’s workforce and improve economic opportunity. If you want to connect with the business community and impact Kentucky’s economic future, we want to talk to you. 


You are a connector and communicator who can network, plan, track progress and report. As the Business Solutions Team Lead (BST Lead), you network and connect with local employers and employer groups in Lincoln Trail. You also convene and facilitate meetings of 

partners dedicated to serving employers in the eight Lincoln Trail counties called the Business Solutions Team. The BST Lead helps implement a “single point of contact/one system” approach for employers of all sizes, generating leads and collaborating assignments for members of the BST partnership. 

The BST Lead reports to the One Stop System Operators, and works alongside partners in reemployment programs, postsecondary education, Chambers of Commerce, economic development authorities and city and county leaders to identify and serve the needs of area employers. The BST Lead must be able to lead laterally and be a champion communicator. 


Bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university and two years related experience and/or training desired but not required; equivalent combination of education and experience is welcome. 

You are plugged into your community and demonstrate the ability to build and maintain networks of contacts. 

Ability to lead meetings, including the development of agendas and notes, that set goals, track progress, and analyze results. 

Have a love for collaborating with others to find a path forward and are a problem solver. Identify new employers and partners and developing new approaches to connect them. 

Proven track record of developing and nurturing strong working relationships and persuading diverse stakeholders to take joint action. You possess an uncanny ability to turn “no” into “yes”. 

Proficiency with Excel and comfort with data and analytics. You also have experience and comfort with data visualization. 

Works with the OSSO to establish annual goals. 

Communication is a strength both written and verbal. Ability to engage others whether you are in the same room or not. 

Resourcefulness, attention to detail and comfort offering solutions and clarity where there is ambiguity. 


Essential Duties 

• These duties will be carried out in collaboration with the OSSO. 

• Convene and support the Business Solutions Team (BST) which is made up of leaders of partner programs. 

• Maintain BST Knowledge Management System and coordinate activity among BST members, including facilitation of BST meetings at least monthly. Use Salesforce regularly as the tracking and communication tool. 

• Generate monthly BST reports that include regular metrics of progress to BST goals (employer penetration, job orders, sector strategy development, work-based training development) and Labor Market Information on job posting trends, job/skill demand forecasting, wages and training. 

• Meet with area businesses to assess workforce skill needs, identify resources, and discuss appropriate services that can be provided by the Workforce Development Board (WDB), Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other Career Center programs and partners, to include incumbent worker targeted grant programs. 

• Conduct outreach on a regular basis in each county of the service area with local business led organizations such as economic development, chambers, etc. 

• Maintain a single point of contact, one system approach for employers of all sizes, generating leads and collaborating assignments for members of the BST partnership. 

• Research sector needs and labor market trends and recommend projects and strategies to improve employer services. 

• Attend and participate in applicable regional, state, and federal meetings, conferences, workgroups, and training sessions designed to enhance professional knowledge and skills. 

• Display an understanding and appreciation for the philosophy of the Hightower/Strumpf OSSO partnership. 

• Maintain the ability to work with diverse colleagues. 

• Ability to work independently, with limited supervision. 

Additional Information 

• It is expected that the business solutions team lead will travel throughout the region extensively to engage employers, partners, and attend meetings. 

• The requirements of the position sometimes includes before and after-hours’ events. 

• The position may require participation in out-of-town events which include overnight stays and may include air travel. 

• Attendance at events over weekends may be required. 


Send letter of interest and resume to: 

Andy Hightower, President, Hightower Workforce Initiatives 


The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.