
Minutes of the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board: June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017

The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) met on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 11:30 am EDT, at the Lincoln Trail ADD office in Elizabethtown.

Mo Miller, Chairperson, verified that both quorum requirements had been met and called the meeting to order. The Board then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Miller then introduced John Pallasch, Executive Director for the Office of Employment and Training. Mr. Pallasch gave a few brief remarks and thanked the Board for allowing him to attend the meeting.


Presentation and Consideration

Board Strategic Plan – Strategy Matters

Mo Miller provided background information regarding the strategic planning process. Mr. Miller stated that the process had provided good results, strong information and a lot of opportunity for Board participation. Mr. Miller then introduced Liz O’Connor and Katie Dorfman, with Strategy Matters. Ms. O’Connor provided an overview of the strategic plan to Board members. She indicated that some adjustments were made to the plan based on feedback from Board members who participated in two scheduled conference calls to provide input. The review of the plan prompted discussion by the Board about issues affecting the local workforce. After the presentation was completed, there was some discussion about whether or not the plan, as presented, was final. Ms. O’Connor indicated that it was the final plan to date, but wanted to allow Board members the opportunity to make any additional comments. She indicted that she did not hear anything at this meeting that would require any changes to the plan. In order to proceed with the approval of the plan, Mr. Miller stated that if Strategy Matters determined, over the next ten to fifteen days, that a modification was needed they would notify the Board for a decision but this would not require an amendment. Laura LaRue made a motion to accept the strategic plan. Stan Carton seconded; motion carried.




Mo Miller presented the minutes from the December 20, 2016 Board meeting, for consideration. Dr. Juston Pate made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Al Rider seconded; motion carried.

Mr. Miller also presented minutes from the March 21, 2017 Board meeting for consideration. Patricia Krausman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Trish Niles seconded; motion carried.


Joint Committee Report and Consideration – One Stop Operator

Lisa Boone provided a report from the joint meeting of the Funding and Workforce, Education and Economic Development (WEED) committees regarding the review of the One Stop Operator proposal. Ms. Boone indicated only one proposal had been received in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the committee expressed their concerns about this. The committee discussed with Board staff how the RFP’s were being advertised to potential bidders and felt comfortable that the word was getting out and being posted in various locations. The proposal received was from the Lake Cumberland Area Development District (LCADD). Ms. Boone stated that after completing the review process, the committee agreed to recommend LCADD as the One Stop Operator. Mo Miller asked Sherry Johnson to provide some background on the One Stop Operator requirement. Ms. Johnson provided an overview of the One Stop Operator duties and indicated that the law and State policy required that this function be procured. Lisa Boone made a motion to approve LCADD as the One Stop Operator. Dr. Evelyn Ellis seconded; motion carried.

Joint Committee Report and Consideration – Outreach Activities

Laura LaRue provided a report from the joint meeting of the Funding and Workforce, Education and Economic Development (WEED) committees regarding the review of the Outreach proposals. Ms. LaRue indicated that proposals had been received from Heartland Communications Consultants (HCC) and Guthrie Mayes. Ms. LaRue reported that the Bidders made presentations, which were followed by a period of questions and answers.   Ms. LaRue stated that after completing the review process, the committee agreed to recommend HCC as the provider for Outreach services. Laura LaRue made a motion to approve HCC as the provider of Outreach services. Lisa Boone seconded; motion carried.


Local Plan and Regional Plan

Sherry Johnson informed the Board that the local and regional plans were compliance documents. The local plan was specific to the eight county Lincoln Trail area and was posted on the Lincoln Trail Area Development District and Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail websites for the past twenty days for review and comment. Ms. Johnson stated that no public comments had been received. The regional plan covered information and data for the Bluegrass, Northern KY, Kentuckianaworks and Lincoln Trail areas. This was also posted on the two websites with no public comments received. Don Howerton made a motion to accept both the local and regional plans. Ryan Henson seconded; motion carried.


Funding Committee Report

Laura LaRue reported that the funding committee met and approved the budget for Fiscal Year 2018. The budget was created using historical figures and looking at trends and possible funding cuts. Ms. LaRue referred Board members to the meeting packet for a copy of the budget. Ms. LaRue indicated that Judge Tommy Turner, as the Chief Local Elected Official, was present at the meeting and also approved the budget. Lisa Boone made a motion to accept the Fiscal Year 2018 budget. Al Ryder seconded; motion carried.










Sherry Johnson thanked the Board for their hard work and dedication over the past few months reviewing budgets, proposals and the strategic plan. Ms. Johnson informed the Board that Strategy Matters had submitted a proposal, which would allow them to continue working with the Board in the implementation of the strategic plan over the course of the next year. Ms. Johnson indicated that, from a staffing standpoint, this would be very helpful and move the Board in the right direction. Ms. Johnson stated that the annual cost of the proposal was $81,000, which would include numerous visits with the Board to help establish committees and meetings with other sectors. Ms. Johnson acknowledged there was concern expressed by some Board members regarding the cost of the proposal and made the suggestion that the Board consider accessing OET’s regional innovation funds, which are available for local Boards to request up to $100,000.00. Ms. Johnson agreed to put together a proposal for the funding at the Board’s request. Mo Miller asked the Board to go back and read the implementation plan to ensure they understood what was being proposed and that everyone was in agreement. Mr. Miller indicated that consideration of the Strategy Matters proposal could be done at the next Board or Executive Committee meeting. Ms. Johnson stated the Board needed to request the funds before June 30, 2017. Mr. Pallasch indicated there was more funding through OET that would not require this deadline. Ms. Johnson cautioned the Board that, due to the Strategy Matters contract ending on June 30, 2017, they would have to bid out the implementation services after this date. There was also some discussion about extending the contract with Strategy Matters. After additional discussion by the Board, Dr. Pate made a motion to accept Strategy Matters’ twelve-month implementation proposal if appropriate external funding was received. Lisa Boone seconded; motion carried.


With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.





June 20, 2017 

Lisa Boone

Jennifer Carman

Stan Carton

Gary Chapman

William Deaton

Dr. Evelyn Ellis

Ryan Henson

Don Howerton

Patricia Krausman

Laura LaRue

Mo Miller

Trish Niles

Dr. Juston Pate

Al Rider

Rep. Dean Schamore

Joe Ashley

Mary Cambron*

Daniel Carney*

Renard Duvall*

Tom Renfrow

Ken Ritchie

Trinity Searcy

Tim White

Angela Crenshaw

Carter Dyson

Sherry Johnson

Jackie Masterson

Jim Skees



Beth Avey

Sarah Berkshire

Dianne Bratcher

Dr. Tom Davenport

Katie Dorfman

Connie Goff

Diane Kelley

Liz O’Connor

John Pallasch

Jackie Robertson

   *Denotes excused absence
The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.