March 19, 2019
The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) met on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 11:30 am EST, at the Lincoln Trail Area Development District (LTADD) office in Elizabethtown.
Chairman Dean Schamore informed the LTWDB that quorum requirements had not been met therefore items on the agenda would be shared as informational then the LTWDB would move into Executive committee to approve the action items.
The meeting continued with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Schamore welcomed Jennifer Carman who was returning to the Board to represent the Office of Career Development. He then invited guests in the audience to introduce themselves which included the following: Colonel David Welch, 7th Brigade U. S. Army Cadet Command; Michael Wetze1, Air Force JROTC and Lisa Slaven, KY Association of Career and Technical Education
Recommendation-Recertification of KCC Centers-Elizabethtown, Lebanon, Leitchfield and Bardstown
Carter Dyson provided an overview of the recertification process involving the comprehensive center in Elizabethtown and the affiliate sites in Lebanon, Leitchfield and Bardstown. Mr. Dyson indicated that a certification team was formed to review the sites and make recommendations to the LTWDB. Mr. Dyson stated he had been working with the Judge Executives from each county to address all of the recommendations outlined in the facility accessibility reports for each site. Mr. Dyson indicated that all of the locations were moving in the right direction to address issues identified but the committee could not recommend the Leitchfield site at this time due to some additional work needed on ADA recommendations. Mr. Dyson indicated that he was working with the Leitchfield site and anticipated they would meet the certification requirements in the near future.
Career and Technical Education Industry Certifications
Jim Skees provided information on the Career and Technical Education Industry certifications requirement established by Senate Bill 1. The Bill outlines requirements for establishing credentials/certifications for all school districts to be used as postsecondary indicators for college and career readiness. Mr. Skees indicated that local boards were tasked with creating a list of indicators specific to their region. A list was submitted to the LTWDB in December of 2017 and was approved. In the Fall of 2018 the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet initiated a statewide employer survey regarding credential requirements. Mr. Skees stated that four-hundred forty-two companies responded statewide. Lincoln Trail had responses from fifty-one employers, which represented less than one percent of employers in the Lincoln Trail region. Mr. Skees reviewed the survey results with the LTWDB. Mr. Skees also presented the LTWDB with a request for approval of the JROTC industry certification which allows a cadet who completes three or more years of JROTC to be automatically certified to enlist in any of the armed forces at a higher rank or grade. Students who want to go to college and participate in SROTC would benefit from additional credit/advanced placement as well.
Workforce Crisis Taskforce
Chairman Schamore expressed his excitement about the Workforce Crisis Taskforce and the commitment of its members. He indicated he was considering entering a resolution to the State or Federal government in regard to addressing the workforce issues. In particular, those able-bodied individuals who were not working as well as those who were working but not advancing in their employment due to the “cliff effect”.
Jim Rachlin provided an overview of activities of the taskforce. Mr. Rachlin indicated the three subcommittees continued to be very active and had picked up some new members. Mr. Rachlin shared that the Unlocking Local Potential subcommittee had been focusing on Work-Based Learning Opportunities (WBLO) for high school and college students and created a resource guide for employers. Daniel Carney indicated the business investment committee met with Lance Blanford, a local business owner and childcare provider, to hear about concerns regarding the “cliff effect” and getting more businesses involved with childcare issues. Julia Springsteen, who reported for the Removing Obstacles subcommittee, provided information on the Poverty Simulation event to be held on April 11, 2019. She indicated the subcommittee was also looking at the impact of the “cliff effect”. Jim Rachlin encouraged board members to attend the second annual Workforce Summit on June 4, 2019. Beth Avey added that the Unlocking Local Potential subcommittee submitted a grant for a youth apprenticeship program.
ECTC – Workforce Solutions
Megan Stith, with ECTC, provided an update on the mobile training unit. Ms. Stith indicated that, since the last Board meeting, ECTC was awarded a Statewide Reserve grant to fund the unit. Ms. Stith shared an artist’s rendering of what the mobile unit will look like. Ms. Stith stated that the unit would allow ECTC to bring training to the employers’ doorstep and customize it to meet their needs. Ms. Stith also mentioned that a registered apprenticeship summit would be held at the college on April 10th with a focus on manufacturing. Beth Cassity, Director of Essential and External Training, provided a brief overview of the restructure of the Workforce Solutions department and allowed members of the department to introduce themselves to the LTWDB.
Heartland Communications
Jessica Ward, with Heartland Communications Consultants (HCC), provided an update on communications outreach for the first quarter. Ms. Ward began with a review of the communications goals. Ms. Ward shared that HCC was supporting the Workforce Crisis taskforce as well as the subcommittees through the monthly Work Matters column, monthly e-newsletter and had also created WBLO videos to be released on social media in the coming weeks. HCC also created a WBLO landing page on the Lincoln Trail Career Center website which includes a how-to guide on how to start a WBLO. Beth Avey shared that a fully integrated campaign for the “Your Career is Here” began in January and would continue into the next fiscal year. Ms. Avey also invited the LTWDB to submit ideas for career videos.
Presentation – KY Workforce Collaborative Executive Order
Elizabeth Hack, with the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, provided an overview of the KentuckyWorks Collaborative. Ms. Hack indicated the Collaborative was formed by Executive Order in January of 2019 with the purpose of ensuring the implementation of the Kentucky Workforce Investment Board’s (KWIB) strategic plan. Ms. Hack emphasized that the Collaborative was also a tool to help the local areas in their strategic work and to ensure that all partners were participating. Ms. Hack indicated that the KWIB’s strategic goals must be incorporated into local workforce area plans by June 30, 2019. Ms. Hack emphasized that technical assistance was available to the local workforce areas through the Department for Workforce Investment and the KWIB. Ms. Hack expressed her appreciation to the Board for their commitment and participation as members.
Anna Larson, with Kentucky Skills U, provided information on the GED Plus program. She indicated that it was a partnership between KCTCS and Adult Education and was kicked off in January 2019. Ms. Larson stated individuals could concurrently obtain their GED and a credential in less than sixteen weeks.
Mo Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Patricia Krausman seconded; meeting was adjourned.
Chairman Dean Schamore called the meeting to order after determining quorum requirements had been met.
Minutes – Board Meeting – December 18, 2018
Chairman Schamore presented minutes from the December 18, 2018 LTWDB meeting for consideration. Mo Miller made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Stan Carton seconded; motion carried.
Recommendation-Recertification of KCC Centers-Elizabethtown, Lebanon, Leitchfield and Bardstown
Sherry Johnson provided clarification that recertification was only being requested at this time for the comprehensive center in Elizabethtown and the two affiliate sites in Bardstown and Lebanon. Ms. Johnson indicated there were still some issues being worked out regarding the Leitchfield location. Stan Carton made a motion to approve recertification for the comprehensive center in Elizabethtown and the two affiliate sites in Bardstown and Lebanon. Jim Rachlin seconded; motion carried.
Career and Technical Education Industry Certifications
The committee members reviewed the information presented by Jim Skees regarding industry certifications as well as the JROTC certification. JROTC representatives expressed concerns regarding a suggestion by Melissa Aguilar, KWIB Executive Director, to stack other industry credentials with the JROTC certification. The group felt the certification could stand alone on its own. After much discussion, Mo Miller made a motion to recommend the industry certifications that had four or more employer responses and to allow the KWIB to decide for those that had less than four and that the JROTC program remain as a stand-alone industry certification. Jim Rachlin seconded; motion carried.
With no further items to discuss the meeting was adjourned.