
LTWDB Meeting Minutes June 19, 2018

July 31, 2018


      June 19, 2018

The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) met on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 11:30 am EST, at the Lincoln Trail Area Development District (LTADD) office in Elizabethtown.

The meeting began with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Dean Schamore called the meeting to order after determining quorum requirements had been met.

Chairman Schamore introduced the following guests:  Ray Leathers, Commissioner for the Department of Workforce Investment, Darlene Bussell, WIOA Liason for the Office of Employment and Training and Sarah Berkshire, Heartland Communications Consultants.  Chairman Schamore also recognized new LTWDB members Greg Gribbins, Marion County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Chris Cottrell, General Sales Manager of Rays Ford Chrysler in Meade County.  Wendell Lawrence, Executive Director of LTADD, Mike Burress, Deputy Director of LTADD and Donielle Lovell, with Western Kentucky University were also introduced.



Chairman Schamore presented minutes from the December 14, 2017 and March 20, 2018 Board meetings for consideration.  Al Ryder made a motion to approve both sets of minutes as presented, Joe Ashley seconded; motion carried. 

Funding Committee Recommendations

Laura LaRue, chair of the Funding committee, reported that the committee met the morning of June 19, 2018 and passed a budget.  The budget was distributed to the Board members during the meeting.  Ms. LaRue indicated that Judge Tommy Turner, Chief Local Elected Official, signed off on the budget as required and the committee passed it unanimously.  Ms. LaRue made a motion to accept the budget as presented, Mo Miller seconded; motion carried.  Ms. LaRue referred Board members to their Board packet for a list of items to be disposed of due to being fully depreciated, obsolete or broken.  Ms. LaRue made a motion to dispose of the items, Mo Miller seconded; motion carried.

Youth Committee Recommendations

Trish Niles, chair of the Youth committee, provided information on the Lincoln Trail Leadership Academy proposal submitted by Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC).  The proposal would serve out of school youth age 18-24 in Grayson, Hardin and Washington counties.  Ms. Niles indicated that the Youth and Funding committees met to review the proposal and agreed to recommend the proposal for funding.  Ms. Niles made a motion, on behalf of the Youth and Funding committees, to fund the proposal with further explanation and negotiations with ECTC on the literature that was included in the proposal, Julie Brown seconded; motion carried.

WEED Committee Recommendations

Jim Rachlin, chair of the WEED committee, informed the Board that the committee was tasked with determining whether or not to continue the Strategy Matters contract for another year to support the taskforce as well as the One Stop Operator contract with Lake Cumberland Area Development District.  Mr. Rachlin indicated that the committee discussed and agreed that both providers were doing a good job and would like to continue the contracts with them.  The committee asked for more detail on deliverables, which both providers submitted.  Mr. Rachlin made a recommendation to continue the contracts with Strategy Matters and Lake Cumberland Area Development District for another year.  Myra Covault made a motion to accept the recommendation by Mr. Rachlin, Megan Stith seconded; motion carried.

Consideration of Kentucky Career Center (KCC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) 

Sherry Johnson referred Board members to the meeting packet for a copy of the MOU.  Ms. Johnson explained that the document was a requirement of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation that identifies partners that the Board wants to be a part of the KCC system.  The agreement outlines the services that will be provided and establishes locations of Career Centers.  Ms. Johnson stated there was currently one comprehensive center in Elizabethtown and three affiliate sites located in Leitchfield, Bardstown and Lebanon.  Ms. Johnson informed the Board that the agreement was submitted to Frankfort over a month ago but no feedback had been received to date.  Ms. Johnson indicated the boilerplate language used for the agreement was drafted by the United States Department of Labor.  Ms. Johnson asked for the Board’s approval to move forward to obtain signatures from the partners.  Ms. Johnson then explained the second piece of the agreement, the IFA.  She indicated there were still some unresolved items that required input from Frankfort but would work with the Commissioner and Darlene Bussell to get them resolved.  Al Rider made a motion to move forward and obtain signatures on the document, Trish Niles seconded; motion carried.

Consideration of KY Health PATH Memorandum of Understanding MOU

Ms. Johnson asked for a few minutes, prior to her report, to review an email from Douglas Beard, Liaison for the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet (EWDC). The email was in response to concerns regarding the MOU.  Ms. Johnson apologized for all of the information in the meeting packet but wanted to ensure that the Board was informed when making their decision regarding whether or not to move forward with the MOU.  Ms. Johnson referred the Board to a document she created listing the pros and cons of signing the contract.  One of Ms. Johnson’s primary concerns was the liability of the Board and that the current MOU did not include language that protected the local Boards in the first year of the contract.  Ms. Johnson stated that the email received from Douglas Beard indicated that the Board would not be held liable for the first year of the contract.  In addition, an insurance policy would be put in place to cover liability issues. Ms. Johnson indicated these two items provided more assurances for the Board’s protection. Ms. Johnson also expressed concern that the connection between the Local Elected Officials (LEO’s) and the Board was apparent in the WIOA contracts and should be in this contract as well.  Ms. Johnson indicated that the Board had four options – sign the contract as is, sign with caveats, not sign or table it.  Ms. Johnson provided the Board with copies of the email from Douglas Beard.  Discussion ensued.  Ms. Johnson indicated that, based on the new language for the modification, Workforce Boards were being provided additional protection for a year.  Ms. Johnson stated this would provide a year to work with Commissioner Leathers to make it permanent. Ms. Johnson asked Commissioner Leathers if the Board agreed to sign the contract would he be willing to sit down with all local Workforce Boards and work out the LEO issue because it was inherent in the relationship and needed to be made official and recognized as such.  Commissioner Leathers agreed to do this.  Commissioner Leathers provided an explanation of the funding process for the KY Health program and how it comes from Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) to the EWDC.  Commissioner Leathers indicated the State never intended to pass the liability on through the program but did appreciate the push back from the Board. He also stated that CHFS agreed to take full liability and did not see that the Board had any liability at all.  The Commissioner also agreed to champion any cause the Board requested in order to improve the arrangement as they go forward over the next year.  Stan Carton made a motion to approve the contract but over the course of the next year the EWDC and Department for Workforce Investment work closely with this Board and its staff to resolve any outstanding issues so the Board doesn’t have to go through this process again, Al Rider seconded, Chairman Schamore asked for a voice vote of the full membership.  Jackie Masterson proceeded with the member roll call.  All present, voted “Aye”, motion carried.

Recognition – Wendell Lawrence

Chairman Schamore recognized Wendell Lawrence’s upcoming retirement and thirty-five years of service and dedication to the Lincoln Trail Area Development District by presenting him with an award that will be given annually, in his name.  Sherry Johnson shared the Wendell C. Lawrence Regional Workforce Leadership award, which will be presented annually to an individual for exemplary contributions to the Lincoln Trail region in workforce.  Mr. Lawrence thanked the Board for their recognition.


Heartland Communications Update 

Sarah Berkshire, with Heartland Communications Consultants (HCC), provided a brief update on outreach activities.  Ms. Berkshire discussed the package of materials created for American Greetings employees, which included a webpage designed specifically for the employees as well as a flyer to promote the jobseeker workshops leading up to the Employment Expo in Nelson County.  HCC also created videos for resume writing, completing job applications and interviewing tips for those who want to access these services online.  Ms. Berkshire also shared information about collateral pieces, paid media, an e-newsletter and social media promotion for the Workforce Crisis summit.  Ms. Berkshire also summarized the goals and outcomes, to date, of the outreach contract. 

Strategy Matters Update

Liz O’Connor provided an overview of the Workforce Crisis summit as well as what has occurred in the last year with the implementation contract and what’s ahead. Developed structures and committees in the past year.  Ms. O’Connor indicated there was great employer turnout at the summit and is excited about the year ahead.  Ms. O’Connor reviewed the indicators of success for the project.  They are in the process of creating a work plan for the following items:  Increasing work-based learning opportunities, access to and utilization of a plan of how to engage employers in best practices adoption, scaling up the Ride to Independence, scaling Way to Work and looking at the cliff effect and some of the policy recommendations associated with it.  Jim Rachlin, chair of the WEED committee thanked all who supported the event and thought it went very well.  He also recognized the partnership between Strategy Matters and HCC and their seamless services and behind the scenes work.  Other committee chairs Megan Stith, Donielle Lovell and Daniel Carney provided brief updates on the work of their committees.




Commissioner Ray Leathers provided a brief presentation on a model he developed with a focus on how to get more employers engaged in workforce programs.  Commissioner Leathers indicated one of the WDB’s primary responsibilities was to develop a strategic plan to optimize workforce development in the region.  He stated the strategic plan should be incorporated into the MOU and outline how to bring all the required agencies to the table.  Commissioner Leathers offered to come to the local area and discuss the strategic plan and MOU and help bring partner agencies to the table and hold them accountable.


With no further items to discuss the meeting was adjourned.




June 19, 2018

Joe Ashley

Julie Brown

Daniel Carney

Stan Carton

Christopher Cottrell

Myra Covault

Rebel Baker-Chreste

Greg Gribbins

Ryan Henson

Patricia Krausman

Laura LaRue

Mo Miller

Trish Niles

Jim Rachlin

Al Rider

Rep. Dean Schamore

Megan Stith

Renard Duvall

William Deaton

Dr. Juston Pate*

Tom Renfrow*

Kenneth Ritchie*





Angela Crenshaw

Carter Dyson

Sherry Johnson

Jackie Masterson

Jim Skees




Sarah Berkshire

Mike Burress

Darlene Bussell

Jennifer Carman

Katie Stewart Dorfman

Wendell Lawrence

Commissioner Ray Leathers

Donielle Lovell

Brittney Nichols

Liz O’Connor

*Denotes excused absence

The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Our Social Networks

Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.