

August 29, 2019



Executive Committee

February 20, 2019

The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) Executive Committee met on Wednesday, February 20, 2018 at 11:30 am EST, at the Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail in Elizabethtown.

MEMBERS PRESENT                           MEMBERS ABSENT
Stan Carton                                                     Myra Covault*
Mo Miller                                                        Laura LaRue*
Trish Niles                                                      Dean Schamore*
Jim Rachlin

Angela Crenshaw
Carter Dyson
Jackie Masterson
Jim Skees

*Denotes excused absence

Mo Miller, Vice-Chairman, serving in the absence of Chairman, Dean Schamore, called the meeting to order after determining quorum requirements had been met.

Jackie Masterson informed the committee that Sherry Johnson was unable to attend the meeting due to participating in orientation for new Lincoln Trail Area Development District board members.


Consideration of Minutes – November 21, 2018

After review of the November 21, 2018 Executive Committee minutes, Trish Niles made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Jim Rachlin seconded; motion carried.

Set Agenda for March Board Meeting

 Committee members discussed the agenda for the March Board meeting and agreed on the following items:

  • Update by Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) on changes in the Workforce Solutions Department
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) certification recommendation which will go to the Kentucky Workforce Investment Board (KWIB) and Department of Education for final approval (Jim Skees provided the committee with an overview of the information.)
  • Update on Workforce Crisis Taskforce activities (Jim Rachlin provided the committee with an update on current activities of the Taskforce committees including the Poverty Simulation project scheduled for April.)
  • Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail certification recommendations (Carter Dyson provided the committee with an overview of the outcomes of the One Stop Certification team’s review of the centers.)
  • Update on activities to increase out-of-school youth participation
  • Determine appointment of Nominating committee or using Executive committee to fill expiring Board terms
  • Possible presentation by Commissioner Ray Leathers on the Executive Order for the Kentucky Works Collaborative (Committee members were emailed a copy of the Executive Order. Jackie Masterson provided an overview of the Order and shared the recently appointed membership.)
  • Letter from Department for Local Government (DLG), Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) and Education and Workforce Development Cabinet (EWDC) leadership to State Auditor


Letter from DLG, CHFS and EWDC Leadership to State Auditor

Mo Miller read portions of the letter to the committee members, which was previously sent to the full Board.  Committee members expressed grave concerns regarding the contents of the letter, which indicated the State agencies that signed the letter no longer had confidence in the Area Development Districts’ fiscal management capabilities.  Committee members were concerned about the intent of the letter as well as the implications regarding the provider of services.  Jackie Masterson indicated that procurement of the local grant subrecipient would occur this year with an effective contract date of October 1, 2019.   After much discussion, the committee agreed that the Board should ask what the specific problems were with the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board and its staff, LTADD and the Local Elected Officials as well as what the specific instances of malfeasance were that were referred to in the letter.  Committee members agreed that if Commissioner Leathers attends the March meeting that he should be asked about the letter.  Ms. Masterson also informed the committee members that the LTADD audit could be accessed on the agency’s website.

Executive Order – Creation of Kentucky Works Collaborative

Previously discussed under Action Items.

Executive Order – EWDC Cabinet Reorganization

Jackie Masterson referred committee members to a copy of the Executive Order and provided a brief overview of the changes.  Ms. Masterson pointed out that Kentucky Adult Education, also known as Skills U, would now be housed in the EWDC.  In addition, the Office of Employment and Training would now be called the Office of Career Development.


KY Health Implementation Timeline

Jackie Masterson shared a copy of the latest KY Health implementation timeline which indicated the Community Engagement requirement would begin July 1, 2019.  Ms. Masterson pointed out that the document referred to the Kentucky Career Centers as a resource for participants to access.

Department of Labor (DOL) /Department for Workforce Investment (DWI) WDB Training

Jackie Masterson informed the committee that DOL and DWI would be holding a joint one-day training session for local WDB’s the week of April 15th.  Ms. Masterson provided information regarding the topics to be covered and asked committee members to provide two suggested dates for the training.  The committee agreed that April 16th or 18th would work best.

American Greetings Update

Jackie Masterson provided an update on Rapid Response activities for the American Greetings closure.  Ms. Masterson stated the last Rapid Response session was held on February 19th for the remaining twenty employees.  Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail staff planned to return to the company on March 5th to assist employees with filing of unemployment insurance claims as well as provide one-on-one information about programs and services.

KEE Suite Issues

Jackie Masterson informed the committee that staff continued to experience issues with the implementation of KEE Suite, particularly with conversion records.  Staff have reported all issues through the proper channels as instructed by the State.  Ms. Masterson indicated a workgroup of local workforce areas had been formed to discuss issues, processes, policies and procedures and will hold their first meeting in early March.

Kentucky Workforce Summit

 Jim Rachlin provide an overview of the annual Kentucky Workforce Summit, sponsored by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.  He indicated there was a lot of good discussion about apprenticeship and internships as well as reentry after drug abuse programs.  Mr. Rachlin agreed to share the summit materials with the committee members.






With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.

The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.