Executive Committee
August 15, 2018
The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) Executive Committee met on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 11:30 am EDT, at the Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail in Elizabethtown.
Stan Carton
Myra Covault
Laura LaRue
Mo Miller
Trish Niles
Jim Rachlin
Dean Schamore
Jim Skees
Angela Crenshaw
Carter Dyson
Sherry Johnson
Jackie Masterson
*Denotes excused absence
Dean Schamore, Chair, called the meeting to order. It was determined that a quorum was present.
Consideration of Minutes – May 16, 2018
After review of the May 16, 2018 Executive Committee minutes, Mo Miller made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Laura LaRue seconded; motion carried.
Set Agenda for September Board Meeting
Committee members discussed the agenda for the September Board meeting and agreed on the following items:
• Request from Dr. Juston Pate for Megan Stith to serve as his proxy.
• Chairman Schamore indicated he would not be able to attend the LTWDB meeting in September. Mo Miller agreed to serve as Chair in his absence.
• Sherry Johnson indicated that the Board needed to revisit a policy that was in place under the previous Workforce Investment Board that was overlooked during the transition to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The policy would state that any proposals being considered by the LTWDB would include a presentation by the submitting group to the full Board before funding is considered. Staff will develop the policy for Board consideration.
• Discussion on the status of the Kentucky Health Medicaid program
• Workforce Crisis Taskforce update
KY Health – Medicaid Community Engagement
Ms. Johnson indicated that in June a Federal Judge put a halt to KY’s plan to implement the KY Health Medicaid Community Engagement program on July 1, 2018. Ms. Johnson provided additional details on the program and indicated that the State anticipated approval to move forward with the program on October 1, 2018 and would begin the rollout on January 1, 2019 in Campbell County. Following this, at least one county in each area would be rolled out in March, which would include Hardin County. The remainder of the Lincoln Trail region would follow in April. Ms. Johnson shared her concerns regarding the State’s desire for a Request for Proposal (RFP) to be issued immediately for the direct services provider without funding amounts available. The State also requested that WIOA services be included in the direct services provider RFP. Ms. Johnson discussed the conditions that the LTWDB agreed to in regards to its approval of the KY Health agreement, which included the indemnification modification as well as including Local Elected Officials in future contracts. The modification had not yet been received. Ms. Johnson also shared that a new SNAP contract would be issued October 1, 2018 with three drafts sent out prior to the final contract. Ms. Johnson stated that staff would review and send out comments to the committee. Discussion ensued regarding the delay in the modification and the implications for the LTWDB’s liability. After much discussion, Laura LaRue made a motion to notify the State that the LTWDB would not be able to move forward with the KY Health program until the modification was received, Stan Carton seconded; motion carried. Ms. Johnson referred committee members to a draft implementation timeline she put together for the KY Health program. The committee agreed that a letter should be submitted to the State from Chairman Schamore inquiring about the status of the modification and the inability to move forward without it. Chairman Schamore agreed to copy the other Workforce Board Chairs as well as Commissioner Ray Leathers.
This item was addressed under the KY Health- Medicaid Community Engagement discussion.
Additional Items
Ms. Johnson shared information about the rollout of the Kentucky Chamber’s Talent Pipeline Management initiative. Project champions were designated in each region to solicit information from local employers about workforce needs. The data will be loaded into a system being sponsored by the US Chamber of Commerce. The project champions for the Lincoln Trail region include Carter Dyson, One Stop Director, Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail, Samantha Brady, Executive Director Bardstown-Nelson County Chamber and Daniel Carney, Executive Director for Springfield-Washington County Economic Development Authority. Ms. Johnson and Jim Rachlin agreed it would be a valuable data tool for the Workforce Crisis Taskforce.
Jim Rachlin provided an update on activities of the Workforce Crisis Taskforce and referred to a report created by Strategy Matters outlining the subcommittee activities, to date. Mr. Rachlin indicated that he and Daniel Carney attended a session in Leitchfield with the Industrial Foundation and provided the group with an overview of the taskforce. Mr. Rachlin shared that, beginning this month; the subcommittees would start having monthly calls. Mr. Rachlin indicated the taskforce was working on deliverables that came out of the summit and would be launching those as well as finalizing the work plan of the taskforce. Sherry Johnson informed the committee that the taskforce had initially discussed the possibility of applying for a Federal apprenticeship grant but decided against it due to the State’s decision to apply for it. Liz O’Connor, with Strategy Matters, discussed this with Secretary Ramsey’s staff that indicated the application would focus on the aerospace industry but wanted Lincoln Trail engaged because of the work of the taskforce. Ms. O’Connor agreed to follow-up with the State regarding involvement of the taskforce. Mr. Rachlin asked the committee to think about what the taskforce would evolve into moving forward and how it would fit into the normal operations of what the LTWDB.
American Greetings Update
Jackie Masterson provided an update on Rapid Response activities for the American Greetings closure. Ms. Masterson stated the third round of Rapid Response sessions would take place on September 5th and 6th for one hundred sixteen hourly workers who would be laid off on September 7th. Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail staff would be at the company the week of September 10th to assist with filing of unemployment insurance claims as well as provide one-on-one information about programs and services. Chairman Schamore asked Ms. Masterson for data on the employees such as how many were laid off, how many decided not to return to work and how many got jobs, etc. Ms. Masterson indicated that she was working on gathering the data and would provide the information within the next week.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.