The Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail (KCC-LT) has opened an access point at Fort Knox, bringing career services to individuals in the Fort Knox area. Beth Roberts, director of workforce for the Lincoln Trail Area Development District (LTADD), presented Deputy Garrison Commander Jim Bradford with the official certification on behalf of the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board.
Kentucky Career Center access points are mobile or permanent locations with one designated point of contact. An access point must, at a minimum, have qualified individual(s) cross-educated in all six Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) core programs and refer job seekers and employers to partner staff at comprehensive and/or affiliate Kentucky Career Centers. There are four comprehensive centers in the Lincoln Trail region.
“The Kentucky Career Center is a valuable asset for military families and service members preparing to transition from Soldier to civilian life,” Bradford said. “This new location at Fort Knox provides access to a wide array of career services and opportunities, and demonstrates the importance of partnerships between Fort Knox and the community, particularly when it comes to economic and workforce development.”
To establish Fort Knox as an access point, regional workforce partners collaborated on the shared goal of creating a resource area for transitioning military members, military families and veterans. The center is open on Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursdays from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Fridays from 7:30 a.m.-noon ET. Personnel from CareerTeam, which is the direct services provider for WIOA Title I services in the Lincoln Trail region, will be present at the center one day a week, while Mark Koenig, veteran employment consultant with the KCC-LT Career Development Office, will be onsite Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We want to thank Deputy Garrison Commander Bradford, the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board, the Transition Assistance Program and the Department of Veterans Affairs for partnering on this important initiative,” said Roberts. “We are fortunate in this region to count military families and veterans among our workforce talent, and we look forward to supporting their career endeavors through this convenient location.”
The Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board has issued a certificate of recognition of the new access point on behalf of the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet. Programs are funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board.
Located at 26 Pershing Drive, KCC-LT offers a number of services including resume writing, job search techniques, interviewing skills and identifying training opportunities. The centers also support employers of all sizes and industries, including assistance with recruiting and hiring, on-the-job training and work-based learning opportunities.