
Consider being a CDL Driver

January 22, 2020

Are you independent, hard-working and adventurous? Consider getting your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)!

The logistics and transportation industry continues to grow and CDL drivers are in high demand.

Just think about the amount of product major companies such as Walmart and Amazon ship across the country, not to mention other online-based retailers. Plus, CDL drivers get to experience the open road, visit unique places all over the country and meet new people along the way, all while earning a competitive salary.

CDL drivers in our region can start out making $48,000 a year. And in just four weeks you can earn a CDL certificate from Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. The CDL program consists of 160 hours of yard and road skills and classroom activities and is also eligible for the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship. To learn how to get started on this exciting new career, visit ECTC’s website.

The Kentucky Career Center – Lincoln Trail helps match job seekers with local employment and training opportunities. Our business solutions team offers employers of all sizes and industries personalized support to build a competitive workforce. We are an equal opportunity employer.

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Program is funded with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds through the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet and the Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board. The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board assures compliance with the Education and Labor Cabinet’s Methods of Administration, as amended, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Assurance and all other Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity requirements of WIOA.