The Kentucky Career Center - Lincoln Trail is gathering resources from across the region to provide contact information to important resources. Below are the links to the information by region. Please check back if you do not see your area information. We will keep these resources up to date!
Kentucky Career Center - Lincoln Trail
Please call us to talk to a KCC staff member during regular business hours.
Elizabethtown: 270-766-5115
Bardstown: 270-735-6189
Lebanon: 270-692-6870
Leitchfield: 270-735-5403
Online Services:
Kentucky Career Center Rapid Responce Services
Unemployment Claims:
FAQ: Unemployment Claims - Spanish
Employers Filling Mass E-Claims
Individuals may apply for Medicaid only by calling the Kentucky Healthcare Customer Service line toll-free at (855) 459-6328 or contacting an application assister through the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange website.
Public Assistance Programs:
Apply for all public assistance programs by visiting the Benefind website or by calling the DCBS Call Center toll free at (855) 306-8959.
Central Kentucky Community Action Resources
Hardin County Chamber of Commerce