The Lincoln Trail Workforce Development Board (LTWDB) met on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 11:30 am EDT, at the Lincoln Trail ADD office in Elizabethtown.
Mo Miller, Chairperson, verified that both quorum requirements had been met and called the meeting to order. The Board then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Miller introduced Julie Brown, new LTWDB member.
Mo Miller presented the minutes from the June 20, 2017 LTWDB meeting, for consideration. Julie Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Tom Renfrow seconded; motion carried.
Appoint Nominating Committee
The nominating committee was appointed and includes Al Rider, who will serve as chair, along with Lisa Boone, Stan Carton and Patricia Krausman. The committee will review expiring LTWDB terms as well as determine a slate of officers.
Consideration-Board Communications Plan- Heartland Communications Consultants (HCC)
Sarah Berkshire and Kenny Rambo, with HCC, provided an overview of the outreach and communications plan for the LTWDB, Kentucky Career Center- Lincoln Trail and out of school youth. They presented information on goals, outreach activities and tools that will be used as well as how success will be measured. Dean Schamore made a motion to accept the communications plan. Don Howerton seconded; motion carried.
Connected Nation Proposal for State Funding
Sherry Johnson presented a proposal from Connected Nation, an IT company based in Bowling Green, which would train twelve military spouses to work in customer service via their home computers. Ms. Johnson indicated that several meetings had taken place between representatives from Lincoln Trail ADD, Connected Nation, Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs (KCMA) and Fort Knox to discuss funding options. Colonel Blaine Hedges, Executive Director for KCMA, also reached out to Commissioner Beth Kuhn, Department for Workforce Investment, to discuss the possibility of state funding for the project. Commissioner Kuhn indicated that the Lincoln Trail region had a remaining balance of $19,000 from the $100,000 available for various workforce related activities and would consider the funds for a demo project. She also indicated the State may be able to provide additional funds beyond this amount. Ms. Johnson stated that if the project was awarded, the responsibilities of Lincoln Trail staff would include receiving the funds, providing eligibility determination, case management and reporting. Ms. Johnson indicated that the LTWDB’s role at this point was to determine if the proposal should move forward to the State level. After much discussion, Stan Carton made a motion that Lincoln Trail WDB staff contact Frankfort to verify that Commissioner Kuhn supports the project. If a positive response were received the proposal would move forward. Gary Chapman seconded; motion carried.
Strategy Matters Update
Carter Dyson, One Stop Director, provided an update on the implementation phase of the strategic plan, which is being conducted by Strategy Matters. Mr. Dyson stated that the Workforce, Education and Economic Development committee (WEED) would be holding a meeting on October 24, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College to begin discussing how to address the workforce crisis. This will be collaboration between the LTWDB, Strategy Matters, HCC and other community partners and stakeholders. The goal is to form a crisis action workgroup that will lead the effort.
CLEO Appeal to U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL)
Sherry Johnson provided board members with the response issued by USDOL to the appeal that was submitted regarding the State policies on board staff and direct services. Ms. Johnson shared that USDOL indicated the appeal must be filed with the State first. Ms. Johnson stated that the Local Elected Officials (LEO’s) met last month and unanimously agreed to file the appeal with the State. The LEO’s also indicated they wanted to keep the current service delivery model because it has worked well.
KY Health Project Update
Sherry Johnson provided an update on the status of the KY Health project. She indicated that the primary service to be provided by local workforce staff was case management for the SNAP E & T, TANF and Medicaid Waiver Community Engagement programs. A memorandum of agreement was executed between all ten local workforce boards and the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet for two types of services –participation in State IT development meetings and local planning activities. Ms. Johnson stated that most of the discussion to date has been focused on the IT piece and very little on program implementation. Ms. Johnson shared that local boards will assume case management responsibilities on January 1, 2018 for SNAP E & T. If the State’s Medicaid waiver is approved the implementation for the community engagement piece will occur on July 1, 2018. A date has not yet been set for the TANF piece. Ms. Johnson also informed the Board that the Kentucky Health information session scheduled for October 3rd had been canceled.
Jennifer Carman, with OET, shared that effective September 25, 2017 OET staff would no longer assist with unemployment insurance claims at the Career Center. All claims would be filed by phone or online. Ms. Carman stated that OET staff would be shifting their focus to providing career and job seeking services to customers.
Sherry Johnson informed the Board that the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the direct services provider would be released in the next couple of weeks. These services have to be procured and a contract executed by January 1, 2018. She reminded the Board that the same entity could not provide both the Board support and direct services. Ms. Johnson stated that this would affect three Client Services Manager positions as well as the ability to provide these services for WIOA and the Kentucky Health initiative. There was some discussion by the Board about case management versus Board support. Ms. Johnson indicated that the LEO’s agreed to keep the fiscal agent and Board support, as did the LTWDB. Ms. Johnson stated that the LEO’s and LTWDB Executive committee might want to have a conversation regarding this. Ms. Johnson requested the assistance of the Funding and WEED or Executive committees for the proposal review process, which will take place over the next few months.
With no further business to discuss Dean Schamore made a motion to adjourn. Julie Brown seconded; motion carried.
September 19, 2017
Joe Ashley
Lisa Boone Julie Brown Jennifer Carman Stan Carton Gary Chapman Ryan Henson Don Howerton Patricia Krausman Laura LaRue Mo Miller Tom Renfrow Al Rider Ken Ritchie Rep. Dean Schamore
Mary Cambron*
Daniel Carney* Myra Covault* William Deaton* Renard Duvall Dr. Evelyn Ellis* Trish Niles Dr. Juston Pate*
Angela Crenshaw
Carter Dyson Sherry Johnson Jackie Masterson Jim Skees
GUESTS Troy Benningfield Sarah Berkshire Dianne Bratcher Kelley Conner Diane Kelley Kenny Rambo Jackie Robertson |
*Denotes excused absence |